Open/Utility Class September 2024
This class is for dogs looking to earn a CDX title
Service Description
Admission into this class is at the discretion of the instructor or the training director. This class is for dogs and handlers ready to learn the exercises necessary to earn a Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title. Your dog must be able to perform the exercises in the Novice class and must be able to work reliably off-leash. The exercises taught are as follows: Off-leash heeling with halts and turns Off-leash Figure 8 Command Discriminations (The dog changes position from standing, to down, to sitting with the handler various distances away) Drop on Recall (while performing a recall exercise, the dog must drop immediately and completely to a down position on command) Retrieve on the Flat (The dog retrieves a dumbbell thrown by the handler) Retrieve over the High Jump (The dog retrieves the same dumbbell, but must go out over a high jump, pick up the dumbbell, and return over the jump) Broad Jump Stand/Stay and get your leash (The dog is left in a stand/stay while the handler retrieves the leash from outside the ring)
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
1126 Pompton Avenue, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009, USA